You are here: PRODUCTS > ALL-IN ONE > RADIO > Dynamic content of Scenes

Dynamic content of Scenes

The Scenes are played and displayed in accordance with the validation conditions on metadata received from the Playout Automation Software, as configured in the PROGRAM LINKER.

The metadata is also used for:

  • Title PANEL: Select a line of data to use from among the Panel Data
  • Title MUSIC: Replace the value of the Text and Image items in a Music Title
  • Comp MEDIALIST: Play a video in a MEDIALIST (internal Playlist or reading of a given file)

These different possibilities for managing dynamic content allow for the management of all the needs of the Scenes.


Here are some examples:


You want to display 3 types of Jingles, those that start with: "MIFM TOP40", "MIFM Gen", "MIFIM 106.8". In fact, within each family you will find variations with different audio but you want to display the same thing each time.

  • You create a scene containing as a minimum one Panel with one dynamic image and text
  • You specify in the Program Linker that this scene corresponds to the reception of a Jingle item with at least one variable Title present.
  • In the Panel DATA tab, you can activate the column of the data line selected by taking the variable Title, with:
    Title = MIFM TOP* for the first instance. Then a second line with Title=MIFM Gen for the second instance, etc...
  • In each of the lines, specify the content of the associated text and image

MUSIC Scene:

You want to display the information of the song you are listening to with the title of the song and the name of the artist.

  • You create a scene containing at least one Music Title (a template can be used as a starting point).
  • Each Text or Image item must be associated, from the DATA tab, with a musical variable via the drop-down menu
  • Specify in the Program Linker that this scene corresponds to the reception of a Music Track item with at least one Title and Artist variable present.

MUSIC Video Clip Scene:

You want to play the video clip of the music you are listening to. They can be found on the local drive in D:\MusicVideos and the file name is the Playout Automation Software ID, followed by the extension .MP4

  • You have created a scene containing a comp with at least one Medialist element
  • Use the Program dynamic link and in the DATA tab, PROGRAM SOURCE for Radio Source.
  • In Mapping, enter: D:\MusicVideos\%ID%.mp4
  • Specify in the Program Linker that this scene corresponds to the reception of a Music Track item with at least one ID variable present.