You are here: PRODUCTS > ALL-IN ONE > INSITU > Tags


Presets management

Tags allow you to mark specific episodes during the recording for quick debrief (See Debriefing) after. To enable this tool, click on inside the Tools zone (See Overview INSITU Interface). Then you will see the tags control panel in the Work zone (See Overview INSITU Interface).

You can choose Tags sets in the drop-down menu.

To add any tag, just click on it.

Tags work only during the recording session.

Tags adjustment

To add, remove or adjust any tag, click on in the Work zone (See Overview INSITU Interface). Then you will see the Tags configuration window


Add a new Set

To add a new set, click on and in the new pop-up window enter the name of the set.

Click to save.

Add a new Tag

To add a new tag,l click on and in the new pop-up window enter the name of the tag.

Afterwards, you will able to adjust tags parameters like:

  • Name
  • Duration: Manual or with Specific time
  • Color

If you set Duration - 0, you should enable and disable tag manually.

Edit tag

To edit an exisiting tag, click on it and edit parameters.

Click to save.