You are here: CONF > SETUP > PRESETS


This section is one of the most important in the CONF configuration. It consists of preparing all camera viewing angles that will then be used by the AI for the automatic filming, in accordance with the audio detection.

The configuration of the camera Presets for CONF is identical to that of RADIO. Only the settings for the min. Preset number and the min. number of cameras per microphone change. See Admin

It is divided into 3 categories:

Solo Presets

They are intended to cover a participant, and therefore focused on one microphone. The Artificial Intelligence will draw into these shot types in accordance with the individual speaking.

Only one preset is necessary to validate a microphone.

Wide Presets

These are very wide viewing angles, generally covering the entire area. They are generally on air when no active microphone is detected.

Combo Presets

They cover a minimum of 2 microphones and are intended to have several participants appear in the same shot. They will be chosen in the situations where several people are talking at the same time.

End of the configuration!

You can leave the configuration mode by clicking on .

You will then switch to the LIVE interface.

You can at any time go back to the configuration by clicking on .