You are here: E-LEARNING > Project


The process is very intuitive. You can benefit from a group of possible choices of shot or sources:

  • Computing Input
  • 4 combinations of Camera images / Computing Input
  • 6 camera presets

These proposed selections can be modified via the Configuration

Everything which is displayed in the MASTER window makes up the final project.

In just one click!

To get a reference shot (or PresetA feature that lets you "scrunch up" content in your topic. The content is expanded (and therefore displayed) when the end user clicks a link.), all you have to to is click.

The recall can:

  • be immediate because it was used before
  • need a time to recall
  • need a cut shot because the camera is already on line

Whatever the situation, the E-LEARNING system manages the delay or the pass to a cut shot.

All you need to do is design the relevant shots for the project and the rest is done automatically.

You can adjust the desired plan directly with touch control. See Shot adjustments .